Basic Site Setting
Last updated
Last updated
To customize the menu and megamenu please login to wp-admin and navigate to Dashboard > Appearance > Menus and follow the following steps:
To change your Site title and Favicon login to wp-admin and navigate to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Site Identity and follow the following steps:
To change all global colors login to wp-admin and navigate to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Zyan Customizer > Color Options and follow the following steps:
To change all global colors login to wp-admin and navigate to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Zyan Customize > Side Info and follow the following steps:
To change all global colors login to wp-admin and navigate to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Zyan Customize > Typography and follow the following steps:
To change all global colors login to wp-admin and navigate to Dashboard > Settings > Reading and follow the following steps: